Address: Décentrale, Mont-Soleil 59, 2610 Mont-Soleil, Switzerland
Start Date: 17th July 2020
End Date: 31st July 2020
Topics: Manifesto for a fair ecosystem. Update and consolidate fair
ecosystem tools and webpages. Permacircular economy. Degrowth. Worker
cooperatives. Mutual credits and basic income. Re-energize local group
activities. Curating a translocal toolbox. Governance of the commons.
Description: During this meeting we will meet every morning to organize
working groups on the different topics. Then the built groups will be able
to work on the agreed tasks. Where possible, we will invite people who can
make input presentations and organize other events so you can recharge your
batteries and also have fun.
Accommodation: We will intentionally live a simple and sustainable lifestyle
in the old art-nouveau villa on Mont-Soleil. There are workshop rooms,
kitchen and social living space in the house. There are also dormitory rooms
with beds, blankets and pillows. The space is vegan, so will be the meals.
All participants are in charge and have to help with cooking and cleaning
Language: We will speak English in the working groups. The people of the
hosting community speak also German and French.
Requirements: Agree to the house conventions of the Décentrale:
Description of the cooperative: This fair ecosystem meeting is organized by
FairEcosystem people at the Décentrale. The Décentrale is a cooperative and
stands for transformation of the society towards self-organization, self-
empowerment, cooperation, sustainable green development, free education,
fair economy, grassroots governance, and created the Synergiehub for that
purpose. Therefore all Synergiehub projects, workshops, work camps and other
gatherings at the Décentrale are aligned with these values. You can find
more information on our wiki: https://wiki.synergiehub.ch/
Price: The usual contribution for a stay at the Décentrale is 20 CHF or
Fairo per day (http://fairo.exchange/). Food costs will be shared among
Participate: If you would like to participate, fill out the following form
to request your stay: https://synergiehub.ch/reserve-stay.html