The race about next Bitcoin has started, and Faircoin is among the frontrunners.
New FairCoin logo decided
It took nearly one year: The Fair.Coop community has been working on refreshing and aligning their visual identity. Many projects have arised, web pages were made and folders printed. However, they were not recognisable as one ecosystem due to a cluttered design.
FairCoins im Kiosk des Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein
Im Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein läuft die Ausstellung "Who Pays?" mit Werken von Joseph Beuys. Lokale Aktuere sind eingeladen, einen Raum zu bespielen, in dem alternatives Wirtschaften gezeigt wird.
Fees in FairCoin2
There has been some interesting discussion today on the Telegram group of the CVN operators (copied here, anonymized). We are in the middle of the testing phase for the FairCoin2 blockchain, which is facilitating a co-operative validation mechanism.
Holy Transactions now offering FairCoin wallet
HolyTransaction is a provider of online wallets for various blockchain based currencies. They recently added a FairCoin wallet system on its multicurrency wallet.
Introducing Schnorr crypto mechanics to FairCoin2
A couple of weeks ago I proposed to use the modern, secure and fast signature scheme EC-Schnorr (= Schnorr over elliptic curve) for the PoC (proof-of-cooperation) system of Faircoin2.
Further information about this scheme can be found here:
Mit faircoin zur Blockchain Konferenz in Brüssel
Schon der österreichische Ökonom und Nobelpreisträger Friedrich von Hajek kritisiert 1976 in seinem Buch Denationalisation of Money das Bankensystem und die Rolle der Zentralbanken. Mit der Blockchain Technologie gibt es nun eine Ernst zu nehmende Alternative.